Treatment of the Pelvis & lumbar spine: level 1 Articular & Muscle Energy Course
Advanced Manual Therapy Associates
This is a highly practical, Face to face course being run by Dr Barb Hungerford in Sydney . You will review optimal pelvic biomechanics and stability strategies, and the mechanisms that assist load transfer through the lumbo-pelvic region. Practical sessions then cover a comprehensive assessment protocol for Lumbar & pelvic injuries including assessment of the pubic symphysis, sacroiliac joints, and lumbar spine articulations. You will learn specific Clinical assessment tests to diagnose articular vs Muscular injuries at the Pubic symphysis, SIJ and lumbar spine before progressing into application of muscle energy techniques and articular glide techniques for pubic, SIJ and lumbar facet joint injuries. Course Aims: - review anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvis and lumbar spine, with interpretation of current research findings in this area of science - review the definitions of joint stability and functional load transfer through the lumbo-pelvic region - apply a biomechanical model in order to define dysfunction in the lumbo-pelvic region such as excessive compression (stiff joints, fixated joints, overactive global muscle activation) or insufficient compression (loose joints, insufficient or altered recruitment of the local muscle system). - present a biomechanical framework as a basis for assessment of articular and muscular function in the lumbar spine and pelvic region - provide practical sessions to teach functional assessment of Pelvic mobility and Stability - provide practical sessions during which manual therapy techniques such as muscle energy and articular techniques are applied to specific Musculo-skeletal dysfunctions of the lumbar spine and pubic symphysis and SIJ’s. - Discuss common dysfunctional patterns found in the lumbo-pelvic region, and how to use clinical findings to develop an effective treatment plan that incorporates appropriate manual therapy, specific exercise rehabilitation, and effective education.
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New South Wales (Sydney) | Drummoyne, SydneyP/T or F/T Musculo-skeletal physio position @ Sydney Spine & Pelvis Physio
Here is a unique opportunity for an experienced physio to work alongside & be mentored by Barb Hungerford & her team in our Sydney practice
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New Course Dates will be released on the 31st of March 2025. Are you confident assessing and treating TMJ when a client presents with
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Exceptional Opportunity: Established Physiotherapy Practice for Sale (in South West Sydney)
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