The prices below are for listings located in
The pricing on our website has been keep extremely low to assist everyone to post a Job or Course. To keep costs low we do not provide any phone support for our site. All support is via email only.
Job listings
start from
plus applicable taxes
Course listings
start from
plus applicable taxes
Only one (1)
Job or Course is
permitted per listing.
Only one (1) Job or Course is permitted per listing.
Multiple dates
for the same course
are permitted.
Multiple dates for the same course are permitted.
Listings are valid
for 60 days
(two months).
Listings are valid for 60 days (two months).
- Only one (1) Job or Course is permitted per listing.
- Multiple dates for the same course are permitted.
- Listings are valid for 60 days (two months).
- You can add featured listing and promotional options for your listing starting at £9.95 a week
(see bottom of page for options).
Pricing Details
*Pricing shown for United Kingdom. Use the dropdown at the top right of this page to select a different country.
New Listings (60 days)
£26.95 plus VAT
£19.95 plus VAT
Job Listings:
£26.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£19.95 plus VAT
Renewals (60 days)
£14.95 plus VAT
£12.95 plus VAT
Job Listings:
£14.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£12.95 plus VAT
Featured and Promotional Pricing
*See the bottom of this page for explanations of our various featured listing and promotional options.
Home Page Featured (Weekly)
£19.95 plus VAT
£9.95 plus VAT
Home Page Featured (Weekly)
Job Listings:
£19.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£9.95 plus VAT
Home Page Featured (Monthly)
£34.95 plus VAT
£19.95 plus VAT
Home Page Featured (Monthly)
Job Listings:
£34.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£19.95 plus VAT
Country Specific Display (Weekly)
£9.95 plus VAT
£5.95 plus VAT
Country Specific Display (Weekly)
Job Listings:
£9.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£5.95 plus VAT
Country Specific Display (Monthly)
£19.95 plus VAT
£19.95 plus VAT
Country Specific Display (Monthly)
Job Listings:
£19.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£19.95 plus VAT
Newsletter Feature (Weekly)
£9.95 plus VAT
£9.95 plus VAT
Newsletter Feature (Weekly)
Job Listings:
£9.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£9.95 plus VAT
Newsletter Feature (Monthly)
£19.95 plus VAT
£19.95 plus VAT
Newsletter Feature (Monthly)
Job Listings:
£19.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£19.95 plus VAT
Job Seekers Feature (Weekly)
£14.95 plus VAT
£12.95 plus VAT
Job Seekers Feature (Weekly)
Job Listings:
£14.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£12.95 plus VAT
Job Seekers Feature (Monthly)
£29.95 plus VAT
£24.95 plus VAT
Job Seekers Feature (Monthly)
Job Listings:
£29.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£24.95 plus VAT
Listing Alert
£11.95 plus VAT
£9.95 plus VAT
Job Listings:
£11.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£9.95 plus VAT
Bump Me Option
£21.95 plus VAT
£16.95 plus VAT
Job Seekers Feature (Monthly)
Job Listings:
£21.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£16.95 plus VAT
Listing Nudge
£7.95 plus VAT
£5.95 plus VAT
Job Listings:
£7.95 plus VAT
Course Listings:
£5.95 plus VAT

- Job Listings must be a specific position, at a unique location and it is not permitted to use generic advertising for the purposes of recruiting candidates to register with recruitment company.
- Generic listings will be removed and will not be refunded.
- Jobs listed by customers must be specific to the insureds practice. It is not permitted to use your free listing opportunity to promote third party jobs or courses.
- Podcast and/or educational Video Streaming (nor any advertising or any other advertising deemed by us to a form of marketing designed to aggregate or trawl for memberships to a third party site) is NOT permitted. Such postings will be removed. This includes free offers that only commence after completing a personal details or email form.
If you are worried whether your listing meets with our listing guidelines please read our Terms and Conditions
Recruitment Companies
There are no free trials. We are a tried and tested online recruitment service. You can read more about our six (6) and twelve (12) monthly job listing packages HERE
Media Agencies
We do not offer any account services and due to the low cost of advertising on our website there are no referral fees.
Direct Marketing
We can provide direct email marketing to approved third parties who are wanting to promote a new product or service that does not conflict in anyway with our business activities. We also reserve the right to decline advertising for any other reason we choose whatsoever. You can read more about our direct marketing via our marketing page.
How do I keep a presence on the homepage for a bit longer?
We realise that the success of our website means that a job or course listing that appears on the homepage on day one might be on page 3 or 4 a few days later. But don't worry about that as we have added several listing feature options that you can choose to display it on the homepage for a week or even a month. See the featured listings column on the right hand side of the homepage.
Features Explained
Listing appears on the featured section (right hand column) on the homepage and all non-country specific search results.
Listing appears for all Country specific page views/search results. e.g. when searching/filtering to view all UK jobs, or all Australian jobs
Your listing will be featured in our Jobs and Courses update emails. You can choose a one-off send (select week) or to be included for 4 consecutive weeks (select the month option). See an example here.
Listing appears on all three of our Physios Looking for Work homepage, country-specific candidate search results and individual candidate details views.
Job Alerts send an immediate email notification about this listing to all matching candidates listed on our Physios looking for work page. We only show this option if you have matches. This provides an even faster, more immediate way to promote your listing.
If you choose a listing bump we will automatically bump your listing back to the top of the homepage after 7, 14 & 21 days. It's like renewing your listing 3 times however your ad will still expire 60 days from the original listing date. Bumping maximises your exposure over the 60 days and costs much less than the equivalent renewals.
You can nudge your listing back to the top of the homepage at any time. This does not alter the expiry date of the listing.
Payments must be made via the website using a credit card (Visa/Mastercard) or via PayPal. We do not take American Express or Diners Club cards.
We do not provide any invoicing options. The price is kept low such that anyone can pay for their listing and claim it back from their parent organisation. Our listing form asks you for a receipt email to which an immediate receipt of payment will be sent from our payment gateway (SagePay). So please look out for it!
When renewing an existing listing the statistics continue to be aggregated from when the listing was first made. If you wish to reset the statistics for an existing listing you should list it again as a new, rather than a renewal of an existing listing.
Renewed listings remain on the site for and additional 60 days from the date of payment.
You can deactivate or temporarily suspend a listing from your unique listing history page. A link to that page is sent with your confirmation of listing emai. You can also request a copy of that email using the 'Edit your Listing' button on the main navigation bar.
You will receive 2 reminder emails before your listing is automatically removed from the website. One at 55 days and another at 59 days. Those emails will also provide a renewal link should you wish to renew.
Early Renewal is also possible and all listing confirmation emails contain a link to renew at anytime. Just follow the link to you listing history page where you can edit, add features, bump back to the homepage, renew, rerun, suspend listings, get a copy of your payment receipt as well as several other listing related options.
MEMBERSHIP (Required to contact candidates on our looking for work section)
Our website also provides a facility for making direct contact with candidates on our candidates looking for work pages. This is done by completing an online membership form which sends the details directly to a potential candidate. We do not vet the profiles of all the candidates on our website. We have had over 4,500 registrations from many different countries and it is to difficult for us to cross-reference each and every individual. Therefore it is important to any potential employer to carefully vet and check the resumes of any applicant applying for a position.
Once contacted the candidate can then do two things:
1. Click a link which sends you a quick notification that they have received and are reading your email, and
2. If they are interested they can email you back directly to your email address that is contained in the information sent to them.
There is a small annual fee for this membership facility. Membership for those located in United Kingdom ranges from £59.95 (private practitioners) - £499.95 (recruitment companies) plus applicable taxes per year. Signup for membership here.
Membership is linked to a unique email address.
Should you find a candidate using this membership facility there are no additional fees or charges what-so-ever.
You can also login into your membership section to see a history of who you've contacted, when, make notes on them and also 'star' the ones you like for future reference.
For recruitment agencies who list regularly and wish to purchase monthly, 6 monthly or yearly packages Click here to read more about those products and their descriptions. You can also may a direct payment via this link.
If you need to pay via a proForma invoice and BACS you can also generate a purchase order via the Physio Shop. This option provides a checkout payment option called 'Proforma Invoice/Quotation'. For companies wanting to be invoiced for a listing package you should checkout using that method. All BACS and other payment details will be attached to the invoice. Click Here to visit the Physio Shop option.
- No packages will commence until payment is received
- No renewals will commence until payment is received
- Listing is capped to a maximum of 8 per day (24hr period)
The capped limit is set per company and not per recruitment consultant on your package